13.06.2019 17:28

"A posievajú polia, sadia vinice a nadobúdajú plodu úrody. Žehná im, a množia sa veľmi, a ich dobytka neumenšuje. A zase, keď chce, ubúda ich a bývajú snížení od sovrenia, všelijakého strádania a od žiaľu."

Ž alm 107:37-39 / Psalms 107:37-39

"And sow the fields, and plant vineyards, which may yield fruits of increase. He blesseth them also, so that they are multiplied greatly; and suffereth not their cattle to decrease. Again, they are minished and brought low through oppression, affliction, and sorrow."

Na snímke farmár v hrachovom poli a nebo plné chemtrails

The farmer in the field of peas (above his head is heaven full of chemtrails)

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Ťažko môže niekedy Hrach siaty (Pisum sativum) pochopiť zámery farmára-šľachtiteľa. Jednu rastlinu farmár vystaví neľudským podmienkam, kým druhú ochraňuje ako v bavlnke. A pritom kedy chce vytrhne rovnako dobrú ako aj zlú rastlinu, kdeže by to mohlo Hrachu siatemu dávať zmysel? A čo môže taká rastlina robiť? Bez farmára by ani nebola na svete a farmár chce takú odrodu, ktorú len tak niečo nepoloží. Silnejšie rastliny nechá vystavené páľave Slnka a nechá ich piť jedovatý dážď z chemtrails aby boli ešte silnejšie, slabšie dá do skleníka, niektoré zje, niektoré vyhodí. Ako podľa svojej vôle kedy sám uzná za vhodné. Tie najlepšie rastliny niekedy extra vyštikne veľkými nožnicami tesne pred zberom úrody, aby z nich vzal čo treba pre zabezpečenie budúcej najlepšej úrody. Ostatné rastliny sa tomu iba nechápavo prizerali a tiež im to nedávalo zmysel. Ale z celého poľa sa nenašla ani jedna, ktorá by mohla mať proti farmárovi nejaké objektívne námietky.  

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"Beda tým, ktorí sú múdri vo svojich vlastných očiach a pred svojou vlastnou tvárou rozumní!" Izaiáš 5:21

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(tie verše platia aj pre vedcov a pre odborníkov aj pre všetkých s tým takzvaným "správnym" názorom)

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Some peas can hardly understand to the plans of the farmer-breeder. One sort of peas he grows in hard conditions, another he grows in a growhouse, with a special care like for babies! Anytime he wants, he will cut good plant as well as the bad plant. How could some peas find the meaning of this? And what that peas can do? Without the farmer there’s no life for peas! And the farmer wants plants which he likes. Maybe sometimes he wants plants which are ready for the conditions on another continents. Some seeds will grow in his growhouse, some of them will grow in some creepy deserts of Africa! The farmer knows what he and his clients are looking for. Any single plant must do her best in her place as well as the farmer will always do the best – but he thinks in dimensions of breeding,..etc. - simply he thinks in totally different dimensions! Sometimes some plants can see the farmer walking with a big scissors in the field. The farmer is cutting with the scissors the best plants to prepare his next extra grow. Maybe some plants are asking: "Why he's cutting my neighbour before a harvest season?" There’s no meaning for a peas in such behavior of the farmer. But there was no single plant of peas which could have (at least nearly) objective complaints.

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"Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!" Isaiah 5:21

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(these Bible verses are valid for all experts and sciencists, as well as for everybody with the "correct" opinion)