28.07.2020 17:27

AKTUALIZÁCIA 1: ako sa zdá, dávky nad 30 mg Boraxu (3mg bóru) denne zaťažujú ľadviny. (kruhy pod očami, časté močenie) Zmeny vnímania počas užívania Boraxu u niektorých ľudí by s tým mohli súvisieť, nakoľko ľadviny podľa niektorých duchovných výkladov súvisia s emóciami. Zatiaľ nevieme, či je zaťaženie ľadvín spôsobené rýchlou detoxikáciou alebo samotným bórom. Za jediné možné bezpečné užívanie Boraxu, ktoré sa nám osvedčilo je 3gr. Boraxu rozmiešaného 0,5l destilovanej/osmotickej vody a z toho pitie najviac 1 čajovej lyžičky denne s jedlom.

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O Boraxe sme písali články tu a tu. Prosím vás pozorne si prečítajte všetky informácie o Boraxe a veríme, že Vám pomôžu aj naše skúsenosti:

Odporúčané dávky sú asi 0,25-0,5 gramu Boraxu na 1 liter vody podľa váhy človeka, po týchto skúsenostiach by som začínal s dávkou max 50-100 mg Boraxu/ liter vody, rozdelenú do piatich dávok denne. Takáto voda sa pije jeden liter po dobu max. 4-5 dní, potom najmenej dva dni pauza. Pitie boraxovej vody je určené na liečbu chorôb, nie ako doplnok výživy! (Ako doplnok výživy sa užíva 3 gramy rozpustené v 0,5 litri destilovanej alebo osmózovej vody 1 čajová lyžička s jedlom (obs. 30mg Boraxu/ čo zodpovedá 3mg bóru)


Naše skúsenosti s Boraxom:

Testoval som Borax vo vyšších dávkach, najprv 1,5 gramu Boraxu v litri vody.

Prišla silná reakcia, 2 dni mi bolo zle, hnačkovanie, tlak v celom tele...

Potom som znížil dávku na 1 gram/liter vody.

Takisto prišla silná reakcia.

Vyskúšal som 0,5 gramu na liter vody, tiež som mal silnú reakciu. Každá reakcia si vyžiadala dva dni liečby.

V podstate tie stavy boli na nemocnicu - hnačky, pocit na zvracanie, vyrážky, bolesti srdca, celková ťažoba tela a svalov, problémy s dýchaním (akoby ťažkosti ovládať dýchacie svaly a následne pocit nedostatku kyslíka), spomalený tep, vyrážky na bruchu, silné bolesti a tlak v hlave, tlak v celom tele, pocit chladu... Keď som sa potom napil vody a zvlášť keď som niečo zjedol, strašne sa to zhoršilo. Vždy som po mojich Boraxových experimentoch dva dni nespal, bolo mi poriadne zle, stavy na nemocnicu, len som sa modlil a s Božou pomocou som to prežil.

Zdá sa, že ako protijed pomohli aj vyššie dávky čistého horčíka (to som si dal, pil po dúškoch vodu s čistým chloridom horečnatým keď už som nevedel, čo mám robiť) Ešte som si ako protijed urobil homeopatikum, kvapku Boraxovej vody som zriedil v niekoľkých litroch vody a vypil.

Paradoxne ako protijed pomohlo ešte aj dať si dúšok z pohára silno koncentrovanej Boraxovej vody (1grBoraxu/liter v.) Ak by som ešte niekedy skúšal Borax, išiel by som od 50-100 miligramov Boraxu (obs. cca 5mg-10mgBóru).

Na urýchlenie detoxikácie som použil aj niekoľko klystírov s čistou vychladnutou prevarenou nechlórovanou vodou. Po každom klystýre som sa cítil o niečo lepšie.

A je dobré sa aj niekoľko krát osprchovať, aby telo pilo aj cez pokožku.


Dávky ako som testoval 500 mg/liter pre 70kg osobu rozdelené do 5 dávok denne môžu byť príliš vysoké. Na druhý až tretí deň nastala u mňa prudká reakcia. Celkovo ako maximálna dávka by som išiel po 0,25 gramu/1liter vody/deň v prípade, ak by človek Borax dobre znášal a túto dávku by som radšej neprekračoval. Prudká reakcia u mňa neprišla hneď, ale až na 2-3 deň, ako som napísal, testoval som na sebe dosť vysoké dávky (1,5 gramu/1liter vody/deň, potom 1gram/liter vody/deň a potom 0,5 gramu/liter vody/deň) Ešte aj s tým 0,5 gramu bol obrovský problém!

Tá Boraxová voda mi veľmi chutí, ale keď som to pil, na druhý deň večer po pití boraxovej vody som sa dva dni liečil.

Dávkovanie 1/8 čajovej lyžičky, 1/4 čajovej lyžičky a pod. považujem za veľmi nepresné, kôli možnej podobnej vážnej reakcii odporúčam naozaj ak sa to má piť celý deň začínať s úplne minimálnymi dávkami.

Ešte som testoval aj čipku, dávka asi 0,5 gramu sa vstrebala cez konečník tak, že spôsobila ihneď vážnu reakciu. Teda aj s tými čipkami (zvlášť ak si to majú dávať ženy) by som bol maximálne opatrný, takisto kôli možnej reakcii by som začal s minimálnymi dávkami. A rovnako aj natieranie väčších častí pokožky tela, treba byť veľmi opatrný. Vraj sa Borax dobre nevstrebáva cez pokožku, ale aj tak je opatrnosť na mieste...

Je zaujímavé, že už dva deci vody s obsahom 300 mg Boraxu (30mg bóru) má okamžite silné psychotropné účinky. Vyvoláva to pocit odpojenia od tela, pocit znecitlivenia tela, zo začiatku veľmi príjemný, nie veľmi intenzívny a nie dlho trvajúci (cca 30 minút) Po 24-48 hodinách nasleduje "dojazd" s veľmi vážnym stavom sprevádzaný príznakmi, ktoré som popísal vyššie.

Zmeny vnímania som pocítil aj pri oveľa nižšej dávke, akurát nie bezprostredne po vypití, ale prišlo to náhle, obvykle okolo piatej hodiny po obede...

Vedel som, že to s tým súvisí.

Dúfam že moje skúsenosti pomôžu.

V článku sa píše, že k Herxheimerovej reakcii môže dôsť pri maličkých dávkach Boraxu!!!! "Co mne však překvapuje je to, že k tomu dochází při již tak malém dávkování jako je 70-90mg boraxu."

V dňoch, kedy majú ľudia telo priotrávené plesňami z chemtrails, môže byť ich rýchle odumieranie následkom užívania Boraxu veľmi nebezpečné, preto by som začínal s dávkou max. 50 mg Boraxu (obs. cca 5 mg Bóru) na pitie v litri vody. Rozdeliť do 5 dávok denne, pozorovať reakciu. Dávku zvyšovať veľmi opatrne, pri 70 kg osobe by som radšej nikdy neprekračoval 0,25 gramu Boraxu (250 miligramov, obsah bóru cca 25mg). Treba byť trpezlivý, začínať s úplnou štipkou a ak to človek dobre znáša, pomaličky navyšovať. Liečbu pri takejto opatrnosti odhadujem aj na cca 1 rok, ale môže sa to zaobísť bez následkov a prinavrátiť človeku zdravie.


Avšak, pokiaľ človek ignoruje duchovné príčiny chorôb a spôsob svojho myslenia nemení, liečba nemá význam. Vyliečenie jedného potom môže (a obvykle takmer vždy) znamená príchod druhého. Všetci rozmýšľajú čo si na chorobu dajú, napr. ženy mávajú časté mykózy pohl. orgánov. Treba sa snažiť odstrániť akékoľvek nečisté myšlienky z mysle, zbaviť sa nadávania, zlých rečí a skutkov a problémy môžu zmiznúť. Teda, aj zmena spôsobu myslenia môže byť častokrát veľmi účinným liekom na mnohé choroby. Na hrubo by som to povedal, že ak žena stráca ženskosť a vnútornú čistotu a eleganciu (hrubosť, nadávky, nečisté myšlienky) môže to postihnúť ženské orgány. Pre ženy aj pre mužov platí, ak si chcú zlepšiť zdravie, treba vyvíjať maximálne úsilie a snahu o čistotu myšlienok.


Ináč čo sa týka užívania po lyžičkách, ak sa 3 gramy Boraxu zriedia v 0,5 litri vody a každý deň a užíva malá čajová lyžička 1x denne s jedlom (čajová lyžička takejto tekutiny cca 30mg Boraxu/ obs. cca 3 mg bóru) To si ľudia veľmi pochvaľujú, zatiaľ po niekoľkých týždňoch užívania úplne bez vedľajších účinkov a cítia sa lepšie.




UPDATE 1 04.8.2020: doses above 30 mg Borax (3 mg boron) seems to be a heavy load for kidneys (circles under the eyes, frequent urination) Changes in the perception of some people during using Borax could be related to this, as the kidneys, according to some spiritual interpretations, are related to emotions. We do not yet know whether the heavy kidney load is caused by rapid detoxification or by boron itself. The only possible safe use of Borax according to our experience is 3gr. Borax mixed with 0.5 l of distilled / osmotic water and of which drink no more than 1 teaspoon daily with food. Max. dose for 70kg person seems to be 30 mg of Borax (3mg of boron) daily.

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We wrote articles about Borax here (ENG) and here (SK) Please read all the information about Borax carefully and we believe that our experience will help you:

The recommended doses are about 0.25-0.5 grams of Borax per 1 liter of water according to the weight of a person, after this experience I would start with a dose of max 50-100 mg Borax / 1 liter of water, divided into five doses per day. Such water is drunk one liter daily for a period of max. 4-5 days, then at least two days break. Drinking of borax water is intended for the treatment of diseases, not as a nutritional supplement! (as a dietary supplement could be used 3 grams of Borax dissolved in 0.5 liters of distilled or osmosis water. Usage: 1 teaspoon with food (containing 30 mg Borax / corresponding to 3 mg boron) Before you start using any drugs, vitamins or dietary supplements, please read and understand all informations - read carefully and remember informations from articles and package leaflets. Use drugs, pure concentrated supplements and chemicals very carefully! Never abuse forces of nature, plants, drugs, pills and chemicals just for feeling high!



Our experience with Borax:

I tested Borax in higher doses, first 1.5 grams of Borax in a liter of water.

There was a strong reaction, I was sick for 2 days, diarrhea, pressure in the whole body...

Then I reduced the dose to 1 gram / liter of water.

There was also a strong reaction.

I tried 0.5 grams per liter of water, I also had a strong reaction. Each reaction required two days of treatment.

In my opinion, my health condition after using such doses of Borax required medical attention - diarrhea, feeling sick, rash, heart pain, general body and muscle tightness, breathing problems (as if it was difficult to control the respiratory muscles and because of this I had feeling of lack of oxygen), slow heart rate, abdominal rash, severe pain and the pressure in my head, the pressure all over my body, the feeling of cold... When I drank water then and especially when I ate something, it got terribly worse. I always didn't sleep for two days after my Borax experiments, I was really sick, I could be in hospital, I just prayed and with God's help I survived without any medical attention.

It seems that higher doses of pure magnesium (magnesium chloride hexahydrate) also helped as an antidote (I was feeling so bad, I didn't know what to do, I drank water with pure magnesium chloride in sips) I took a homeopathic remedy as an antidote, I diluted a drop of Borax water in several liters of water and drank.

Paradoxically, as an antidote, it also helped to take a sip from a glass of highly concentrated Borax water (1grBorax / liter v.) If I ever tried Borax, I would go from 50-100 milligrams of Borax (obs. Approx. 5mg-10mg of Borum).


To speed up detoxification, I also used several enemas with clean, cooled boiled non-chlorinated water. I felt a little better after each enema.

And it is good to take a shower several times so that the body drinks through the skin.


Doses as I tested 500 mg / liter for a 70kg person divided into 5 doses per day may be too high. Last time, I took only 500mg of Borax in 1 liter of water per day. I drank 4-5 glasses of this water daily. On the second to third day, I had a strong reaction. In total, as a maximum dose, I would go for 0.25 grams / 1 liter of water / day when Borax is for your body well tolerated. And I would rather not exceed this dose. The sharp reaction did not come to me immediately, but up to 2-3 days, as I wrote, I tested quite high doses (1.5 grams / 1 liter of water / day, then 1 gram / liter of water / day and then 0.5 grams / liter of water / day) Even with that 0.5 gram was a huge problem! (for 70 kg person even 0.5 grams per day in 1 liter of water could be too much)

I like the Borax water very much, but when I drank it, the next evening after drinking Borax water, I was very sick for two days.

Dosage 1/8 teaspoon, 1/4 teaspoon etc. I consider it very inaccurate, due to the possible similar serious reaction, I really recommend if you decide to use Borax, start with very minimal doses (50mg in 1 liter of water/day, max. taking four or five days, than at least two days off)

I also tested the lace (globulus) how well is Borax absorbed through rectum. It's absorbed very well in my opinion, a dose of about 0.5 grams was quickly absorbed through the rectum and it caused an immediate serious reaction. (no diarrhea, that usually comes few hour later after taking high dose of Borax) So even with those laces (especially if girls want to treat vaginal mycosis) I would be extremely careful! Also due to the possible reaction I would start with minimal doses, max 50-100 mg, you can prepare vaginal laces with pure coconut oil. If you put oil in the fridge, it could be applied in vagina and rectum. Take care and start with very low concentraion. (usually in the apothecary, the tetraboricum vaginal globuluss contains 600mg of Borax, this dose could be for some persons too much and may cause a serious side-effects. As well as painting larger parts of the body skin with Borax grease, you need to be very careful. It is said that Borax is not well absorbed through the skin, but even so, caution is in order ...

Interestingly, even after I drank a cup of water containing 300 mg of Borax (30 mg of boron) it has immediately a strong psychotropic effects. It causes a feeling of disconnection from the body, a feeling of numbness of the body, very pleasant at first, not very intense and not lasting long (about 30 minutes). After 24-48 hours, there is a "run-out" with a very serious condition accompanied by the symptoms I described above.

I felt changes in consciousness even at a much lower dose, not immediately after drinking, but it came suddenly, usually around five o'clock after lunch ...

I knew those sudden changes in consciousness was caused with a cup of borax water taken many hours before... Borax may cause you feel high for few minutes per day, you don't know when it may come. Be carefull with driving cars when you take borax.

I hope my experience helps.

The article says that the Herxheimer reaction can occur with small doses of Borax !!!! ---> "What surprises me, though, is that it happens at doses as low as 70-90mg borax."

These days when people have a body poisoned by mould from chemtrails, rapid killing of those mould as a result of taking Borax can be very dangerous, so I would start with a dose of max. 50 mg Borax (contains app. 5 mg Boron) for drinking in liters of water. Divided into 5 doses per day, carefully observe the reaction. Increase the dose very carefully, for a 70 kg person I would rather never exceed 0.25 grams of Borax. (0,25 grams is 250 milligrams, contains app. 25mg of Boron) You need to be patient, I would start with max 50 mg of Borax, and if you tolerate it well, very slowly increase, but I would never reach 250 mg. I also estimate the treatment with such caution for about 1 year, but it can be done without consequences and restore the person's health.


However, if one ignores the spiritual causes of disease and does not change the way which he thinks, treatment has no meaning. Healing one problem without changing of your thinking in most cases means the arrival of the other. Everyone thinks about what to do with the disease, for example women have frequent vaginal mycoses. It is necessary to try to remove any unclean thoughts from the mind, to get rid of swearing, bad words and deeds, and problems can disappear. Thus, even a change of mindset can often be a very effective remedy for many diseases. I would roughly say that if a woman loses femininity and inner purity and elegance (rudeness, swearing, impure thoughts) it can affect the female organs. For both women and men, if they want to improve their health, give the maximum effort for purity of your thinking. Remove all adultery thinking, all swearing, all anger and yeastiness from your speaking and thinking. If you will use your mind, always think deeply and clearly.


Usage of borax as a dietary supplement, should be for most people without side effects:
3 grams of Borax diluted in 0.5 liters of distilled/osmosis water. Every day people take a small teaspoon once per day with food (a teaspoon of such water liquid contains 30mg Borax (app. 3mg of boron) People praise it, so far after a few weeks of use completely without side effects and they feel much better. They said Borax is one of the best dietary supplement they ever had.