20.05.2020 00:15

"Vírusy to sú výlučky poškodených buniek. Sami o sebe nie sú príčinou ochorenia." Rudolf Steiner / "Viruses are simply excreations of a toxic cell. They're not a cause of anything." Rudolf Steiner

Muž vo videu je Dr. Thomas Cowan. Ak si aspoň trochu všímate veci okolo seba, po tomto videu vám bude všetko jasnejšie. Ešte nás zaujala tá vec, že mobil je v podstate nezlučiteľný so zdravím. Na to hovoríme stále, ľudstvo zaplatí takú daň za túto technológiu, že ak nebude ochotné sa jej vzdať, dopade ako opica, ktorá nechce pustiť orech. 5G bude tou poslednou kvapkou, súčasná situácia je neznesiteľná. Čím viac kovov má človek v tele, tým väčšie riziko pre neho predstavuje mobilné žiarenie, Wi-Fi a pod. Kovy sa do tela dostávajú predovšetkým očkovaním, pretože prakticky úplne každá vakcína obsahuje častice hliníka. Je samozrejme jasné aj to, prečo lietadlá sypú chemtrails, prečo niekto otrávil vzduch určitými vodivými časticami. Úlohou ľudstva bude zastaviť chemtrails a 5G, ak sa o to aspoň nepokúsia, s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou v najbližších rokoch, možno už mesiacoch bude väčšina ľudstva vyhladená. Prosím počúvajte pozorne:


ENGLISH: The man in video Dr. Thomas Cowan. There's direct connection with viruses and the wireless technologies. Basically, every cell phone, every single Wi-Fi and mobile antennas represents a great danger for every single person. Dr. Coven according to me said, that the cell phone is basically incompatible with healh. The risk of EM radiation from wireless technologies is increased with amount of metals in human body. Ways how to get metals into your body is at first: VACCINATION. We are strongly against any vaccination of those who are well. We consider vaccination as a depopulation agenda, healthy people never need vaccines! You have to understand to the biblical verse MATTHEW 9:12  that's answer to any vaccination. We consider any vaccination of healthly person/kid/animal as a perversion. Vaccination of those who are well is a crime, and an unnecessary risk! Another way how to saturate the human body with metals or conductive particles is chemtrails. Tools how to instanly make people sick (or how to create a patient) is EM radiation, chemtrails and VACCINATION. There's no COVID-19, but EM radiation, chemtrails and vaccines makes people very sick. With 5G this could look as a pandemy, the same natural could look psychical sickness, alergies, cancer, immunodeficiencies after a series of vaccines. Who will connect 5G with COVID-19 if they told it's here already? Who will connect diabetes or celiac disease with vaccines, if it starts few months after vaccination? Sometimes disease will start immediatelly, and no provax doctor willl admit it! They keep saying they've never seen someone with complications, because their holy grail - their vaccines will be the worst what they did to mankind!!!! They will be all criminals!!!!!!! 

City with good coverage with 5G was Wu-Chan. So, we have to change our mind, and get rid of wireless technologies. Those technologies weren't designed for use close to human body, listen to the expert here. Now, Wi-Fi, radars, cell station and satellites are beaming our flats, houses, cities... Every sources of EM radiation - cell phones, Wi-Fi, cell stations, etc., are spreading mess into the air and should be removed from areas around people! No Wi-Fi, no cell stations near houses, no 5G! Please understand, even the current situation with Wi-Fi and the common cell stations all around is not normal and it's a crime!

We consider EM radiation as toxic, I feel pain near every source of EM radiation, I can't even touch a cell phone! (even beamed goods with red laser in shop causes me pain in my hands right after I touch it, we have to stop beaming our food) I consider this planet as heavily polluted by EM radiation, by chemtrails, even food is being polluted with red lasers! You people have to change it somehow! Beaming your heads, bodies, eating beamed food represents some level of toxicity! Even newborns on this planet are being heavily polluted by vaccines, what makes the effect of EM radiation and beams stronger. Which idiot really believe a newborn needs injections? Or who really believe that a healthy man cannot fight diseases without injections? Vaccination is a satanic propaganda! Polluted body with vaccines, bad and beamed food, EM radiation, chemtrails - all means less chance to fight with diseases! We are reaching the end-point, 5G is the last drop for many and they could say: COVID-19!

They had to put cell stations and Wi-Fi everywhere, because they want to remove people! Doses of radiation of our current mobile devices, cells, Wi-Fi are very dangerous, the radiation (periodicity of connections and dataflow) keeps increasing with every new model of device! I consider smartphone as a very dangerous even with disabled all modules except GSM. According to our measurements with ExTECH480836 some of the new smartphones keep sending and receiving data every ten seconds (turing mobile data off sometimes doesn't make too much change, some smartphones emits 10.000 μW/m2 every ten seconds even with data off. Old non-smart mobiles have zero! Some smartphones with Wi-Fi and data enabled keeps 16.000 μW/m2 permanently, this is sick, smartphone is very dangerous device, and maybe this is the answer why you must charge everyday and the real purpose of smartphone: give as high doses of EM radiation as possible until you get sleep) With "smart" technology you may harm yourself. We have to change our mind, most of us really don't need any mobile phone! And we have to stop chemtrails and 5G, at least we have try to stop them, if we want to survive:

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