Water Powered Car, Genepax - Reuters - Free Energy (ENG) (+Note Biblik: will be worth now to invest into new energy sources? (UPDATE-IMPORTANT)

29.07.2022 15:21

Water Powered Car, Genepax - Reuters - Free Energy (ENG) (+Note Biblik: will be now to invest into new energy sources?

Water Powered Car, Genepax - Reuters - Free Energy


Note Biblik: I think the above video was presented in 2008, Reuters article 13.6.2008 here.

Now with expensive gas and oil, probably it will be worth for investors to invest into new energy sources, because people will seek and invest into new energy sources as well! According to some opinions oil and gas was too cheap, so it wasn't worth to invest into new sources of energy. This situation is changing rapidly, people will probably search massively for alternatives to oil and gas, maybe a new industry with a new sources of energy will be created soon. Winner on market will be such man, who will be first and who will always give people what they want! Until this day is was oil and gas, this situation may change soon... And I don't think a real alternative to oil and gas are lithium batteries! Maybe, there will be a new technology of batteries or cold fusion reactors, wich a car driver will change or refill their medium only once per year! And such batteries or reactors may supply the whole home! This revolution may lead to removal of all electric cables around, as an unnecessary stuff! This planet may soon change to a clean and nice paradise! With our own clean and powerful energy sources can be every man, woman and child healthly, free and independent.

UPDATE: For human health a big problem is High Frequency ElectroMagnetic radiation (EM), more information book Dr. Martin Blank - Overpowered. This kind of High Frequency EM radiation is emitted by cellphones, Wi-Fi, etc. But a serious problem is the low frequency EM radiation from electric cables in your household! Always keep your bed away from electric sockets and cables!  




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