14.03.2021 12:38

Antidepresívne cvičenie:

Verzia pre tlač: !HRM_SUNGAZING!.doc (101,5 kB)

Už cca dve minúty tohto cvičenia môže mať silné antidepresívne účinky. Treba však cvičenie robiť presne podľa návodu.

V našich klim. podmienkach je maximum cca 20-25 minút, už pri takomto stupni môže dôjsť k rozvoju mystických schopností a ako vedľ. účinok sa môže objaviť citlivosť na elektromagnetické žiarenie (môže nastať zväčenie epifýzy podobne ako zväčšenie svalov u kulturistov) Ale 2-3 minúty (možno až do 15 minút) tohto cvičenia by nemalo mať vedľajšie účinky, ak presne dodržujete návod a dbáte na maximálnu opatrnosť. Ak sa rozhodnete sungazing vykonávať, nikdy sa neponáhľajte, nesnažte sa nič stihnúť a radšej prax prerušte, ak by sa vám Slnko zdalo príliš silné. Pri tomto cvičení pomaly a opatrne, a najmä presne podľa návodu. Skôr než začnete, dobre si preštudujte návod.

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Around two minutes of this method could have strong antidepressive effects. You have to exactly follow the HRM plan and be very careful.

2-3 minutes, 5 minutes (maybe up to 15 minutes) of sungazing shouldn’t have side effects, if you exactly follow the HRM plan. Study the plan and if you decide to practise, please be very careful.

In Slovakia, maximum is probably 20-25 minutes. Even around 20 minutes you can develop mysticall skills. The mystical abilities should never be your point! As an only one and very rare side-effect of sungazing is known the EHS (Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity) Rarely, some people will start feeling the EM radiation after the advanced sungazing practice. This could be a big problem, some people must permanently quit using cell phones and Wi-Fi. Living in the city aroud the cell stations and Wi-fi routers could be hard... Some people can feel pain (head ache) near sources of EM radiation. We think everybody should normally feel this, EM devices are dangerous, you know, who said they're safe?

Now I wonder, why people cannot feel EM, other people think I am not human when I can identify the near sources of EM radiation...

Most people will think and act differently near the sources of EM radiation, they will be pushed to do everything quickly... It's hard to explain. I can at 100% say, the EM radiation changes your mind, normal thinking is much harder near the sources of EM. Personally, for me are wireless devices mind controllers.

Large doses of EM can cause terrible pain (head ache, joints) and the effect of EM radiation is so strong, you will hate all wireless devices (except GPS, because the GPS devices are safe according to our research) Cell phone=poison, Wi-Fi=poison, BlueTooth=poison, all cell phone stations=poison... Levels of EM radiation in cities are extremelly high, we have around 500.000 μW/m2 in the street from near sources! Personally, even 60μW/m2 is too much for me and I walk in the streets where we have over a half million μW/m2! I think this situation is extremelly dangerous for all people in our city! Even in the near forrest you can get hardly under 250-300 μW/m2! For a man who can feel the EM radiation, living in the city is sometimes very painful. Who is responsible for this EM holocaust? I am pretty sure many people will get sick in such irradiated enviroment.

EHS is not a bug, it's a feature :-) As we said, there's not too much practitioners of sungazing, which can develop this skill.  You will have a good EM detector inside your head. The epiphysis is a good EM radiation sensor. People after sungazing practice can feel not just the EM radiation, they will develop probably many more mystical abilities, but it's not worth, you don't need the mystical abilities to be a God's child. Be a normal man. Be!

If you get higher level practice of sungazing the epiphysis could grow and enlarge, sometimes it can work as an EM radiation sensor. This side effect of sungazing is very rare, there are much more benefits.

If you decide to start the sungazing practice, please study, understand and remember the HRM plan, never hurry and be careful. Thank you. God bless you.