05.10.2020 22:28

"Vy sa tedy modlite takto: Náš Otče, ktorý si v nebesiach, nech sa posvätí tvoje meno! Nech prijde tvoje kráľovstvo! Nech sa stane tvoja vôľa jako v nebi, tak aj na zemi! Daj nám dnes náš každodenný chlieb a odpusť nám naše viny, jako aj my odpúšťame svojim vinníkom, a neuvoď nás v pokušenie, ale nás zbav zlého, lebo tvoje je kráľovstvo i moc i sláva na veky. Ameň." Matúš 6:9-13

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V Roháčkovej Biblii čítame: "neuvoď nás v pokušenie, ale zbav nás zlého, lebo tvoje je kráľovstvo i moc i sláva na veky. Ameň."

 Anglická Biblia píše: "And lead us not into temptation,..."

Lead us not into temptation by sme mohli preložiť ako:

"Veď nás tak, aby sme neupádali do pokušenia!"

Skúsení kresťania hovoria, že prv, než človek učiní hriech, prehrá to najskôr v mysli...

Je zaujímavé, že aj jedným z hlavných cieľov zlého ducha je kontrola myšlienok. Zlo sa snaží ovládať naše myšlienky, samozrejme používajú sa pritom rôzne frekvencie, chemikálie a technológie.

Úlohou kresťanov a pre ľudí usilujúcich o dobro a čistotu myšlienok znamená tiež:

"VEĎ NÁS TAK ABY SME NEUPÁDALI DO POKUŠENIA" → "VEĎ NÁS TAK, ABY SME SA NECHYTALI NA HLÚPE A PLYTKÉ MYŠLIENKY!" (je to prosba, nie rozkaz) Človek na duchovnej ceste sa musí usilovať o určitú kontrolu myšlienok! Čo pozerá, čo číta a čo počúva ho veľmi ovplyvňuje, preto si musíme vyberať.


O modlitbe nájdete na stránke Biblik.sk tieto vynikajúce články:

1.) https://www.biblik.sk/news/o-modlitbe1/

2.) https://www.biblik.sk/news/o-modlitbe/


Poznámka Biblik: Zlo vyžaduje, aby ste mu venovali pozornosť. Teraz chcú, aby ste jeden druhého kontrolovali, či máte rúška a podobné nezmysly. Zlo je živené z vedomej pozornosti. Podobné je to, ako keď máte určitý druh myšlienok - ten automaticky ako magnet priťahuje podobné myšlienky. Výsledok tohto kruhu, ak ho včas nerozpoznáte, bývajú depresie, hnev a neskôr aj vážnejšie psychické poruchy. Treba si hlavne vyberať to, aké chceme mať myšlienky a myseľ používať a využívať na to, na čo nám bola prepožičaná.



"After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen." Matthew 6:9-13

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What that means? Please carefully read the following:

"lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"

Christians-the elders claims:

"The first mismatch before a man will do any sin, is a mismatch in mind!"

So, do we have practice some self-control of mind in christianity? Yes of course!

The training of mind is well-known from yoga. In the East pretty much techniques of mind control have been developed. If your mental health is ok, you can consider some techniques of yoga for mind control. But today, most of mankind is psychically sick, or an average man daily meets some people really psychically sick. There's some influence from sick persons, that's why meditation is in the west more risky. You know, people eating anti-depressants instead of trying to set themselves free from demons.

"Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31-32


"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."  John 14:6  (as I understand Bible, Lord Jesus Christ means "I am" the truth about yourself - - - "WHO I AM?" - - - (v. John 4:24) (Without knowing yourself, and without rebirth your "I am" in truth NOW, there's no Kingdom of heaven nowhere! (The Kingdom of Heaven-the final eternal home of a man's spirit has no geographic co-ordinates) The key to the Kigdom of heaven is "I am". Without THE REAL KNOWLEDGE of "I am" nobody cometh unto Father. YOU HAVE TO KNOW GOD AND LORD JESUS CHRIST (I am, Je suis Je sus, Jesu) FOR REAL!

Another notes to this very important verse John 14:6 here, there are the comments bellow. I prefer at first own contemplation before reading comments, it's good to read comments, but own effort to really understand is necessary: "WHO MAKES NO EFFORT TO GRASP THE WORD OF THE LORD ARIGHT BURDENS HIMSELF WITH GUILT" Abd-ru-shin, In the Light of Truth)

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Note Biblik: The new corona-scenario is trying to make sick much more people! Meditation for psychiatric patients or people meeting psychiatric patients is risky. And some christians have negative look for meditation.

"Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is." Mark 13:33

Who is heading for good (God) and the purity of mind, should take control of what he thinks!

"lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:" this means also: "always when we use our mind, please make us think deep and sober!" (pleas) We have to choose in our mind which idea we will focus our attention. Bad or unwanted ideas - do not fight with them, simply don't pay attention to them! Pay attention for worthy, deep and clean ideas! You can always switch your thinking (maybe you'll need some training, but it's worth) Choose which ideas you pay attention! It works like a magnet: do you think good? Good ideas attracting like a magnet another good ideas. Unwanted or nasty ideas attracting more such stupid ideas!

Be aware!

Take care which ideas you focus your attention! 

Take care what you think! The same you choose which person you go with, the same you choose only worthy ideas. Never give up, don't focus too much on your bad, focus and develop your good. I think one of the most important things is to have goals, better to have at least one specific goal as none! What you want to have now? Did you try to do everyday something for it? Do you think some goal is unreal? We are sinners, but we are also gods:

I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." Psalms 82:6


"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1


Take care what you eat, take care what you drink, take care what you think and what you say! We invoke powers with our thinking, we magnify this power by word. If you pray, you can pray by silence, but also by word. Especially take care of your word near mirrors! I don't know how it works, but near the mirror what you say has even more power!


"Be still, and know that I am God"... Psalms 46:10