06.01.2020 19:14

Pre bližšiu predstavu prosím stiahnite si neupravené foto z linku pod článkom. Slováci prosím vás prečítajte si aj anglický popis pod nasledujúcimi snímkami / For detailed view please download untouched photos from the link bellow. At first please carefully read the description under following photos:

CHEMTRAILS TRENČÍN_6.1.2020_08:13_východ Slnka a celkovo Slnko nám jednoducho "vypínajú" / The sunrise in our city being quickly disabled


CHEMTRAILS TRENČÍN_6.1.2020_08:26  (akoby jedna vrstva oblakov bola "česaná" do určitého smeru, zatiaľ čo druhá vrstva je možno zbytok prirodzených oblakov. Nemáme pochýb, že na určitej úrovni atmosféry docháza k elektrochemickým modifikáciám počasia. Ak by ste rozprášili inteligentný prach (nanoroboty) do ovzdušia, potom môžete cez Wi-Fi a rádiové frekvencie (radary, mobilné stanice) ovplyvňovať nielen počasie, ale aj náladu a myšlienky ľudí na Zemi) -/- We are sure that some part of our atmosphere is being modified by electrochemical activities (spraying chemtrails + using some devices like HAARP) Program of spraying smart-dust (nanorobots) into our atmosphere could be used not just as a weather modification, but in combination with Wi-Fi and radio frequencies (radars, cell towers, satelites, etc.) it could affect mood, mind, health, livespan of people, everything. There is a very strong motivation to take total control over all people, if they know your ID, they can simply affect you or completely disable you remotely. Matrix isn't a movie, it's a documentary, almost everyone's body was connected to some global network projecting to his mind everything...


CHEMTRAILS TRENČÍN_6.1.2020_08:26  - Akým hrebeňom sa takto češú oblaky? Nuž na to sa sypú určité "vlasy" do oblakov a potom ich môžete takto aj česať. -/- Clouds are being teased like hair. See those weird stripes, it's cloud-styling! There are really some "hairs" inside those clouds, these artificial fibers



CHEMTRAILS TRENČÍN_6.1.2020_08:26 




CHEMTRAILS_TN_6.1.2020_10:11 - Pokusy o vraždu Slnka / attempts to kill the Sun


CHEMTRAILS_TN_6.1.2020_16:44 - posýpanie za svitu Mesiaca / Moonlight spraying


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